- Where the pursuit for all secrets ends.
- Where the miseries, illnesses, and superstitions end.
- Where the supreme human potential is discovered and applied.
Likewise mental and physical powers, each individual is born naturally with immense psychic and spiritual powers. Once these hidden powers are identified, there is nothing left to demand from God. Words like future, fate, fortune, coincidence, God’s wish, and miracles get eradicated eternally (as every little thing is happening under the abstract laws of nature).
Reiki is a Japanese term for the Universal Healing Energy rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui (an allopathic Physician and Surgeon) hailing from Japan in the late 1800s, it is an ancient procedure of Tibetan Healing (lay-on-hands healing technique). It is a very modest thus far a commanding technique that can be absorbed and practiced by anybody. Reiki (pronounced as ‘ray-key’) is a category of heavenly, pure, and constructive energy that treasures its source in the Supreme Consciousness and is proficient in healing anything and everything whatsoever that folks can ponder of. The expression Reiki consists of ‘REI’ which indicates “Universal Life Force” and ‘KI’ which suggests “Energy”. Reiki essentially means Universal Life Force Energy, approximately similar to “Prana in India” and “Chi in China”.

In contemporary eras, more than a few amazing devices have been created to sense and realize unseen energies like Reiki, Aura, chakra, thought, soul, etc. Some of the particular are Aura Imaging System, Lecher Antenna, Dowsing tools, Kirlian photography, GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization), DAS (Digital Aura Scanner), PIP (Poly contrast Interference Photography), Energy scanners, Radionics, etc. by which photos or pictures of the human aura, invisible or unseen energies of substances and atmosphere could be measured, perceived and examined.
Every single alive and lifeless presence has luminous energy, identified as ‘AURA’ or Electro-Magnetic field, which is the solitary foundation of fortification from bacteria, accidents, planetary effects, black magic, radiations, negative people, Vastu, and environment. Your aura interacts every single instant with folks surrounding you, matters, and the atmosphere, negatively or positively making you ill or healthy. Comprehend the wide-ranging science of Aura (Human Energy Field) how to perceive, sense, feel, scan, push, measure, empower and protect the aura. Acquire how to develop an influential magnetic force to stimulate or fascinate everyone and anyone.

Chakras are the seven energy whirlwinds on your delicate body that characterizes your seven hormonal glands. You’re every single physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual act impacts these chakras by intensifying or depressing their functions thus directing you to spiritual paradise or a miserable life, as the response or consequences may be. Learn how to energize and preserve balanced chakras for definitive fitness of body, mind, and soul.
Beyond the empire of the physical world, is another extremely powerful, unidentified, unnamed world that transpires in this cosmos that is the world of subtle and the invisible. Invisible is the origin, observable is the display. This is the creation where time, space, and distance vanish. Telepathy is the natural intrinsic eminence of human beings, animals, and birds. We have astonishing authority to communicate our opinions, purposes, and healing anywhere in the universe, may it be humans, substances, situations, or the environment. Learn how to heal from a distance persuading the matters, mind, situations, the forthcoming, and the previous karmas.

Can you push a person just by your thought from a 50-ft distance? YES, you can!! Your opinions are robust forces of energy. Passion and emotions diversify their strength manifold and Intention itself is the mantra. The intention is the magnet that entices and drives all energies in the Cosmos. Energy follows the belief. Learn by what means to deploy with the intent and Universal energies to attain the desired success in life.
The universe is the foundation of all evidence, leadership, imaginative concepts, the past, the present, and the future. Learn how to mature high sensibility (Extra-sensory Perception i.e. ESP) and a transformed state of mind where we can interconnect with the subtle world surrounding us for the universal records to get true leadership for healing, creation, anticipation, and accomplishment.

The capacity to perceive and texture the unseen/subtle energies everywhere around us in the method of aura, color, judgments, and spiritual guides, undesirable and positive energies is known as Clairvoyance. Advance this natural aptitude by practicing the procedures imparted in our workshop.
Additional Intrinsic and natural innate ability influenced by every human is referred to as psychic vision (The Third Eye). It is the practice of remote viewing or televisual where an individual can see anyone, entity, and occasion happening in his ‘inner eye’ like a dream. This uncommon marvel is inevitably created by practicing Reiki and distance healing services.

Kundalini is possibly the furthermost misjudged and misguided natural human force in the divine and spiritual world. Since the eternities, big entitlements are made by Indian Yogis and numerous other people that their kundalini is awakened. If so, where are the outcomes? Has India thrived, hygienic, disciplined, well-organized, and an advanced country? Did anybody get any advantage from such claims? We are thus far to find a kundalini awakened soul. In detail, abstain yourself from forcibly trying to wake up this natural force; it could be destructive. The fact is that Kundalini Shakti escalates inevitably by physical, mental, and emotional balancing through Reiki meditation and spiritual awakening. Learn the exact technique to aid this lower energy increase naturally to the higher levels of awareness.
Could you ever imagine lifting a 100 Kg human/thing with the support of only 2 fingers? Could you twist a spoon by focusing on the power of your mind? YES! You can.
We are by-products of our Subconscious mind. We exercise and nurture this mind by the diversity of thoughts, attitudes, and opinions that we obtain from our parents, culture, teachers, friends, and self. We are rich or poor, content or doomed, fit or unwell, fruitful or disappointers, highfliers or losers only for the reason of our pre-programmed subconscious mind. It is the marvelous power of your mind. Learn how to control/change, condition/recondition, the behaviors, life, nature, character, and everything surrounding you. Learn to do wonders, attain the incredible in education, profession, business, and relations. Learn how to expertise the subconscious mind, make it accomplish all your desires and dreams. Your subconscious mind is the solitary and the ultimate key to all your good or bad attainments.

If you are poor, it means that you have preferred to be in this state. The skill of richness is as precise as Mathematics. Acquire the definite law of richness and develop into a millionaire. God desires every flower to bloom. Nobody can avert you from accomplishing what you wish, apart from your own self! Abolish your limiting beliefs and open the gateway to unlimited wealth. Learn to have confidence that you are born to be rich and that scarcity or poverty is the outcome of absolute ignorance. Accept the laws of wealth and become as rich as you ought to be.
The universe is a fruitful land. It is a deep-sea of fertility. Your visions, wishes, thoughts, and emotions are the seeds and the magnets. Learn how to pitch seeds in the cosmos and attract anything and everything you desire. Learn the delightful law of attraction and captivate your faith, situations, and aims.

For disease-free life, finest health and permanence. The human body (every organ/cell) is planned to function flawlessly until its final breath. Health, balance, perfection, healing, regeneration, and survival are the laws of the body. Illness is acquired due to your ignorance. It is a by-product of your irregular conduct. Comprehend and eradicate the source reasons for the sickness and the miseries will vanish on its own. If ailment can be formed by irregular grounds, then health can also be accomplished over usual and fit conducts. Sickness is not to be cured, rather than unawareness is to be cured. Know the ultimate Truth and the mysteries of health, nourishment, root causes of sicknesses, and eradicate the word ‘disease’ permanently from your life.
Simple remedial exercises to remain lastingly fit and young. Human is the only breathing folk on the Earth who struggles and bothers much about physical exercise. Learn the accurate skill of exercise, the secret of elasticity, and fitness to get free of all the diseases of your body and mind. Become a true son of God manifested in His beauty, vigor, and radiance.

A Re-birth experience. Experience an extremely effective mediation and healing session, to release all your deep-rooted sentiments, mental obstructions, and physical difficulties. Come out from the fragments of all mental and emotional blockages as a fresh and unrestricted person. A truly remarkable rebirth experience!
Enlightenment to finish all your grieves. A flash of light (the Truth) can eradicate the darkness of a thousand years. Learn the skill of transforming into an awakened and enhanced soul (the Buddha) in all domains of lifespan, in the professional/commercial world, business, family, and all your encountered worldly associations thus winding-up all your miseries and strain endlessly. If you are actually prepared to terminate all your miseries, you are prepared for the enlightenment. Enlightenment is not to search for God but to develop into the appearance of God. Learn the most hands-on and the simplest laws of enlightenment.

Every child is certainly designed with a jam-packed potential to blossom if he/she is not repressed or altered as per our individual attitudes, visions, and outlooks. Learn how to mature a respectful and endearing relationship with our kids, how to utilize the strength of the subconscious mind to improve concentration, confidence and achieve success. Learn how to instruct constructive attitude, greater dreams, and balanced life, which is not constrained to a simple gathering of evidence but education in its accurate sense.
We ourselves create restrictions. By understanding the laws of attraction, the power of the subconscious mind, and our unlimited hidden potential, we can hike to any stature of the profession. Nobody is around to confine you. Destiny, conditions, individuals, and the absence of money can never be an obstacle. Learn the discipline of generating your own destiny, circumstances, and fascinating individual, prospects, advanced thoughts, wealth, and aim as per your desire.

The more knowledge we possess about human psychology, mental conditioning, the influence of parents, society, teachers, friends, past lives, the law of attraction and love, the more effortlessly we can mature an affectionate, empathetic, tuneful connection with everyone, even our enemies. The obliviousness of this knowledge creates battles even with your most loved person and everyone else with whom you inter-relate. Learn the law of attraction, profusion, love, and live a blissful life.