Usui Reiki Master Teacher is evolving as the finest therapeutic vocation from place to place across the boundaries, empowering you to nurture economically and psychologically.
Mounting discontent and side effects of contemporary medication are directing peoples in the direction of alternative approaches to Natural Healing. And this is the sphere where Reiki the modest yet the most influential result-oriented healing procedure is applauded and has made a niche among all existing medical organizations as complimentary assistance. Demand for Reiki among the appealing beneficiaries is budding step by step and in the future, it will be at its peak.
After completing Usui Reiki Level 3 Course, you can clutch the prospect to work to the Usui Reiki Master Teacher level in the Usui Method of Natural Healing. This level will expressively intensify your individual energy as well as permit you to recruit others into Reiki.
The Usui Reiki Master Teacher Level is framed for those who desire to teach Reiki and fashion new Reiki Channels.
The teacher’s training is the core subject of this course where duties, responsibilities, attitude, psychological and social patterns, and potentials are deliberated.
- Introduction To Usui Reiki Course Level 4 Course
- Receiving An Authentic, Discrete Reiki Master Teacher Attunement
- Commencement To New Usui Reiki Master Teacher Symbols With “Antahkarna” And Its Requirements
- Linking With Your Advanced Self And High-Level Spiritual Guides
- Obtain Training On How To Teach And Attune 2 Levels Of The Usui Reiki System i.e., Usui Reiki Level 1 And Usui Reiki Level 2
- Practice Attuning Others Starting With Usui Reiki Level 1 And Progressing To Usui Reiki Level 2
- Become Proficient To The Elements Of Holistic Healing
- Brush Up Reiki Level 1 And Reiki Level 2 So You Can Dig Deeper Into The Teachings, But Also Concealing Whatsoever You May Wish Clarification On
- Cover All That Is Required To Consent The Student To Teach Reiki Professionally And Dramatically Elevates The Student’s Cognizance To Integrating Reiki As A Way Of Life.
- Who Am I? An Influential Meditation To Identify Your Innermost Self And Enhance Your Potential To Take You To Boundless Divine Heights. You Would Love To Experience This Paradise Again
- Karuna Reiki Attunement For All Karuna Reiki Symbols And The Preparation Of Its Mastership
- Combination Of The Influence Of Usui Reiki Symbols And Karuna Reiki Symbols Synergistically
- Progression Of Karuna Reiki
- Healing Attunement: To Heal All Types Of Intellectual, Emotional, Psychic & Physical Illness Uninterruptedly And In A Reduced Amount Of Time
Comprehensive Usui Reiki Level 4 Manual
Guided Reiki Self Practice Cd’s For Use At Home
Usui Reiki Master Teacher – 4th Level Certificate
Lifetime U.R.F Membership, Support, And Guidance
This training course is a pleasing chance for you to deepen your peculiar individual healing and to critically augment your capability to help others. Becoming a Usui Reiki Master Teacher will enormously enhance your capability and confidence. It is a massive phase in the direction of an added contented life. You will acquire crucial skills that can be further used by you to construct revenue from your passion, serving you to link the gap between your professional and spiritual life. The progressive methods offer authoritative instruments to clear physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual blocks to the richness, well-being, abundance, and synchronization.
INFIRMARIES, NURSING HOMES & HOSPITALS ARE EMPLOYING REIKI MASTERS – Numerous renowned hospitals, nursing homes, health resorts & holistic hospitals have a discrete healing section for Reiki and other spiritual and holistic healing sciences. Quite a few ventures are coming up and the call for a proficient Reiki Master will visibly cultivate in the upcoming future.
THE USUI REIKI MASTER TEACHER IS ALONE OCCUPATION, WHICH REQUIRES NO ACADEMIC STIPULATION – Usui Reiki Master Teacher is the solitary holistic healing career in which no educational qualification is indispensable to develop into a perfect Master. The dominant need is an ordinary nature of caring, healing, faith & commitment.
WERE NOT ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR VISION OF BECOMING A DOCTOR? – Don’t feel be disheartened. Usui Reiki Master Teacher springs reimbursements of both conceivable & spiritual world. All careers have a sole creation in their hand but Reiki Masters have both the creations residing in them.
THEN BECOME A USUI REIKI MASTER TEACHER – The Finest method to keep on a demanding schedule in old age after retirement is to bid amenity for the miseries of the human race. Eradicating health and life glitches by originating peoples into Reiki.
USUI REIKI MASTER TEACHER, A LABEL BETTER THAN A POSTGRADUATE EXPERTISE – If you couldn’t flourish in Hypothetical Education, there stands no need to feel low, become a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and live with a sense of self-importance in the social order.
MAKE YOUR SON, DAUGHTER, DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, HUSBAND, WIFE & RETIRED PARENTS SELF RELIANT – Accomplish your determination on this earth if you have no healthier option for earning or fetching out your aptitudes. Turn out to be an efficacious USUI Reiki Master Teacher and attain all your physical, psychological, emotional, economical, and spiritual necessities. After all love & nurturance are the elementary nature of every human & Reiki is nothing but devoting & nurturing.
DO YOU WANT? – Your associates such as friends, family members, contemporaries, and business acquaintances to get clear of their sicknesses & sorrows? Become a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and recruit them into Reiki. If you have an intense desire to support all suffering people around you, become a Usui Reiki Master Teacher alongside your business & career. Perhaps, you may transform thousands of lives, which in the shot may bequeath you with unrestricted contentment. Would you like to slip this delightful prospect to support mankind?
USUI REIKI MASTER TEACHER COURSE – Gain comprehensive and accurate technical data of Reiki from the prominent Reiki Grand Master / Reiki Organization and become an effective Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Not just a mastership but a total arising & smooth-edged richness.
- A mastership where knowledge never trims. Absorb & cultivate uninterruptedly with the heavenly master. It is just not mastership but an over-all growth in the direction of the trustworthy rules of nature for flawless transformation. All the ailments, misery, darkness, ignorance, myths, obliviousness, traditions & fear can end at this stop. Involves a profound change in your character & life.
- A well-researched, detailed data, comprehensive, precise, unique methodical attunement as previously practiced by our sages, saints & mystic masters.
- The crux of more than 20 years of study, research, and knowledge in the arena of natural healing, mystic disciplines & spirituality.
- The gratification of being a student of one of the finest associations in India and its Grand Master.
- The unrestricted facility of uninterruptedly practicing in all categories of Reiki courses under the supervision of Reiki Grand Master in unvarying Reiki Workshops.
- Identity Card and Lifetime Membership of “USUI REIKI FOUNDATION”.
- The handy Course Material, Certificate, Information Brochures of all levels of Reiki, the guidance, and jam-packed conveniences to launch oneself as a successful Usui Reiki Master Teacher.
- Wide-ranging discussion and supervision to create a Reiki clinic and the implementation of Reiki courses.
- Distinct concession of 10% to 20% is prearranged on Reiki literature, CDs, and crystals, etc. for U.R.F Reiki Master Teachers only.
- The economically backward folks may stem the gain of doing the Usui Reiki Master Teacher Course, by paying in portions.
- Usui Reiki Foundation totally supports its Reiki Master Teachers (if they wish) to earn money by visiting patients in their region.
- If Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Health Resorts, and Nature Cure Hospitals necessitate the facilities of the good Reiki Healers and Masters, Usui Reiki Foundation recommends its Masters to them.
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