She is a Master Reiki Healer of URF Organization and had learned Reiki in 2006 and continuingly utilizing this wonderful healing energy. She feels that Reiki is a heart based energy healing and it’s frequency in itself is unconditional love. She desire to attain a prosperous and purposeful life, we should keep our hearts open to give and to take this blissful energy from our universe. She says all these energies are present in each and everything which gives us positivity and hope for the continuous upliftment in every manner. She believes that as charity begins from home within likewise she started making her own family aware and believe of this Reiki energy and had been treating her own sister who has been diagnosed with one of the deadliest disease-cancer. She added that when she started practicing Reiki healing to her sister initially, she had not a very much faith in recovering her from the same but in a short span of time her sister started recovering from this cancer and now her sister was recovered mostly with this ailment.
She’s now looking forward to make most of the people aware and make a heavenly place to live.